Our Mission:
We educate the individual child within our Catholic faith by providing excellent academic experiences and dynamic faith formation.
Our Vision:
We are a nurturing community that empowers and challenges each child to use their God-given gifts to become faithful disciples, inspired life-long learners, and responsible citizens.

Entire student body celebrates weekly Mass. We devote an entire week annually to Social Justice. Students are engaged in activities and speakers to open their eyes to the needs of our greater world.

We are called to serve one another. We work together as a grade level, as a class, and individually to serve our school, parish, and community. Our students provide over 3000 recorded hours of service. Our middle school student body serves meals monthly at Connection Cafe

We are a collborative community guiding our students in spiritual formation and academic excellence.

ALL students pre-K through 8th grade work with our STEM curriculum. Recognized locally, nationally, and internationally for our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) curriculum.