Father Raphael Assamah

Meet Fr. Raphael

I was born on July 4, 1976 in Ghana. My basic and tertiary education were in Ghana. After discerning the voice of God through retreats and spiritual directions, I entered St. Paul's Major Seminary in 1999 to study Philosophy, Sociology and Spirituality. In 2003, I studied theology and education at St. Peter's Regional Seminary in Pedu, Cape Coast, Ghana. After a successful pastoral year, three of us were ordained as Deacons on January 6, 2008 and later into the priesthood on August 23, 2008 for the Archdiocese of Accra.

My first assignment was at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. While there I oversaw the youth programs and was chaplain to some societies in the Archdiocese. There was a need for priests to assist in Jamaica, so the door was opened for volunteers, and I opted as fidei donum (the Gift of Faith) priest for the Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica.

While in Jamaica I worked at St. Pius X and St. Peter Claver Catholic Churches respectively. It wasn’t until later that I was asked to assist as a Priest in the Diocese of Des Moines where I served in Shenandoah and Hamburg as the Pastor of St. Mary’s Churches. I obtained my Master’s in Theology and Christian Ministry from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Recently, Bishop Joensen asked me to serve as the Pastor of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish in Des Moines and I arrived here on the 7th of July to assume my new duties. I enjoy walking, music, playing the guitar, reading, cooking, washing my own car and meeting people.


Music in the Park

Join us for music in the park on October 20th, 4-6 p.m. at Colby Park Pavilion – Windsor Heights. Bring chairs/blankets, snacks, or a picnic dinner. Parishioner, Bill Mogolov, is in a band called Opus Taylor. They play classic rock and blues at events all around central Iowa. They are graciously providing a free concert […]

St. Theresa Feast Day

We had a great week celebrating our patron saint, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus! We prayed together at Holy Hour on Her feast day, our parish school honored St. Theresa by doing little deeds and placing flowers at her statue in the school entryway, and we ended the week by presenting roses and singing […]

St. Theresa First Fruits Distributions – FY2023-2024

“what so ever you do to the least of my brethren that you do unto me.” Matthew 25:40 There are many special collections at St. Theresa and we are humbled and pleased that gifts to First Fruits through the purple envelope continue to remain constant.  St. Theresa parishioners have stood tall and continue to contribute […]

St. Theresa Transitional House 2001-2024

Longing for shelter, many are homeless.Longing for warmth, many are cold.Make us your building, sheltering others,Walls made of living stone. For over 20 years, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Church lived the above verse from the song “Christ be Our Light” with the purchase, maintenance, and mentoring of large, low-income families in the St […]

Knights of Columbus New Leadership

The St. Theresa Knights of Columbus Council has new leadership. Thank you for your service to St. Theresa of the Child Jesus! Ken Seymour – Past Grand Knight and current TrusteeTim Dempsey – current Grand KnightBrendan McConville – Deputy Grand Knight,Mike Tigges – ChancellorKevin Akers – TreasurerBob Lawler – Trustee

75th Anniversary

Mass on the Grass was a success! We are grateful for all of the volunteers that set up, prepared food, served lunch, and provided clean up. Thank you to all of our special guests that joined us to celebrate Mass to kick off our 75th anniversary. Click here to view the photo album from Mass […]