St. Theresa Fair Trade program was started as a work of Justice in 1995 based on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Human dignity comes directly from God. Fair Trade recognized this by creating economically just, long-term trading partnerships between diverse people all over the world. All the principles of fair trade embody this principle of Catholic Social Teaching, Fair Trade promotes the dignity of workers by ensuring fair wages and by helping vulnerable producers maintain their livelihoods when traditional economic structures shut them out. Fair Trade is no charity. Fair Trade is Justice! Fair Trade recognizes the dignity of the work performed by traditional artisans and farmers, and ensures that they are fairly compensated. When we promote fair trade products in church, we, as a parish, are exercising a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable.

There has been a kiosk for Fair Trade sales in the back of the church since 2015 which is designed to be a self-service kiosk. Traditionally, on the fourth week-end of the month, members of Social Concerns staffed the kiosk to sell products directly and answer questions about Fair Trade. The kiosk is always open to self service when the church is open.
You can get your Fair-Trade coffee, tea, olive oil, chocolate and nuts anytime the church is open. There is a price list posted and a slot in the kiosk to deposit your money. IF YOU HAVEN’T TRIED FAIR TRADE THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO START! Call/text Sandy Nauman at 515-689-5527 for more information.

In addition to Fair Trade sales at the kiosk, a Fair Trade Work of Human Hands sale has been held each year st the St. Theresa Bazaar featuring foods and artisan crafted items such as baskets, scarves, linens and much more. These sales again have benefited farmers and artisan from around the world to sustain a fair wage for their products and economic justice. This is a hand up not a hand out. In the 2020 pandemic, a virtual Work of Human Hands sale was held on line. We strive to sell all products at cost but due to rounding and shipping costs we sometimes find that our Fair Trade account shows a surplus. When that happens, we donate these surplus funds to the Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade fund to continue this work of justice in developing countries.
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”
– Mt 25:40