The Peace and Justice group has been charged with the administration of the First Fruits (purple envelope) contributions. Contributions to First Fruits is an act of Faith, Hope and Love.
The First Fruits (purple envelope) is distributed with the tithing envelopes at St. Theresa. Envelopes can also be found at all the entrances of the church and in the Parish Office. You can also donate through direct deposit or online at Go to: and under the fund drop-down box scroll down to the individual First Fruits categories.. Then put in the amount of your donation and hit submit, which will give you the option of paying by credit card or through your bank account. Contact John McMichael, with questions about donating. Questions about First Fruits distributions, call/text Kathy O’Neill, call/text: 515-865-1590.

This 20+ Year outreach has greatly expanded the ability of parishioners to increase missionary outreach locally and globally, illustrating the spiritual impact of God working through our church community.
The First Fruits ministries funded are:
- Pro-Life whichallows the St. Theresa Pro-Life Committee to use and direct funds for specific pro-Life causes. Contributions have been used to support Pro-Life billboards in our local area, support Iowa Right for Life, House of Mercy, Ruth Harbor, Pro-Life contests at STCS, Spiritual Adoption, and 17q17 Foundation.
- Emergency Shelter money donated continues to be utilized by the Catholic Charities Emergency Family Shelter for transportation needs. Emergency cabs for guests with no vehicles and bus tokens for work comprise the majority of this outlay.
- Refugee Assistance funds are donated to St. Ambrose Parish Refugee Program. Fr. Ambrose disburses the donations on an as needed basis in their parish.
- Community Outreach helps fund local organizations such Family Promise, Catholic Circle of Faith Habitat for Humanity, St. Theresa homeless meals (CICS), DMARC (Des Moines Area Religious Council, Connection Café and more.
- Peace and Justice as enumerated above, is committed to targeting initiatives critical to the promoting of Peace and Justice.
- St. Vincent DePaul Council at St. Theresa administers counseling and financial assistance to parishioners who request it. Designated members of the Council have received training and perform home visits to those in need and provide them the tools to improve their situations and financial assistance when necessary. Funds donated to this category are administered by the St. Theresa St. Vincent DePaul council.