OCIA – Order of Christian Initial of Adults is the  process that helps you grow in awareness of God’s call to conversion, provides opportunities to reflect on that call, and moves you towards full initiation through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Includes students in 4th grade and older who wish to join the catholic church.

The parish community offers an invitation and support to those seeking initiation or those inquiring into the faith.

OCIA is one rite divided into four distinct periods that respect the individual’s journey.

Inquiry Period, a time to ask any questions         

Catechumenate, beginning with the Rite of Acceptance, involves instruction, liturgies, reflection on the Word, and faith sharing.

Purification and Enlightenment, beginning with the Rite of Elect, is a time to reflect on the life of Christ and the baptismal promises about to be made or renewed at the Easter Vigil.       

Mystagogy, celebrates the 50 days from Easter to Pentecost reflecting on the Easter experience and the responsibilities that come with the professed baptismal promises.

Conversion is a lifelong process. However, the length of time spent on preparing for reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil varies according to each individual’s needs and spiritual development.

Titles you will hear:

Catechumen: One who is not baptized and is preparing for full initiation at the Easter Vigil through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Candidate:  One who is already baptized in another Christian faith and who is now preparing to be received into full communion in the Catholic Church. When he or she joins the Catholic Church, he or she will make a profession of faith, be confirmed and receive the Eucharist.

Catechist: One who teaches about the Scriptures and the tradition of the Catholic Church. 


Order of Christian Initiation for Adults 

We as a parish all need to do our part to make our catechumen and candidates feel welcome and to assist them on their faith journey.  How can you help? Here’s where your assistance is most needed:

Faith Story Tellers:  Our inquiries have stated on numerous times that they love to hear about your faith journeys. We have everyone from cradle Catholics, converts and even returning Catholics come to tell their stories. Faith stories are given during the initial inquiry period.

Hosts:  We are always in need of individuals or families that will provide snacks (for about 8-10   individuals) either during our inquiry period on Wednesday evenings or on Sunday mornings.

Prayer Partners: Prayer partners are individuals who simply “adopt” one of our catechumens or candidates and keep them in your prayers throughout the  process. Cards of encouragement are also greatly appreciated.  You can let the individual know who you are or you can remain anonymous.

If you are interested in helping out, please contact Barb Woods at barb@stsdsm.com or (515) 210-6649. Please give prayerful consideration in lending a helping hand to someone who has accepted God’s call to explore the faith.

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