Parish Mission Renewal Grant

We are excited to announce that St. Theresa Catholic was recently awarded a Parish Mission Renewal Award in the amount of $9,971 out of the largest possible grant of $10,000 from the Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa for the benefit of the following:

– School students will receive new religious education textbooks.  It has been about 15 years since the
textbooks have been updated.  The new textbooks, Be My Disciples, equip students with an up-to-date
curriculum that emphasizes a family connection and discipleship. The second grade and Wednesday
evening students have successfully used this
curriculum for the last few years.

-Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori style approach to faith formation, will be offered this fall for our young children ages 3-6 years old.  The grant finances catechist training and supplies.

The Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa works with families like yours to facilitate giving and in particular, planned gifts to benefit organizations like ours within the Diocese of Des Moines.  The return on investments managed by the Catholic Foundation come back in many different forms to diocesan organizations like ours and a grant program is one of them.  Thank you to the Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa!  For more information, visit