Volunteers Needed – Parish Safety Committee: The St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish Community has been entrusted with God’s most valuable resource – His people – represented here by our parishioners, students, staff, volunteers, and visitors. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that all areas of our community; all of our work practices; all of our training and educational regimens; and our daily activities are focused on creating and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. To that end the Parish is regenerating its safety committee, and needs volunteers to serve who have expertise in the areas of safety, medical care/public health, building management, security, fire prevention and risk management. Time commitment will be limited to quarterly meetings and periodic walk arounds – on your own time – to inspect various aspects of the parish campus. If you feel called to this particular ministry please contact Mike Smith at michaelsmith@sts.dsm.com for further information.

St. Theresa Catholic
Faith • Service • Community • Education