Youth Minister

Mary Pane
Contact Mary Pane, or 515-279-4654 with questions.
2024-2025 Middle School Edge Calendar
2024-2025 Confirmation and Life Teen Calendar
Edge (Faith Formation for middle school, grades 6-7-8) meets on Wednesday evenings, September through the first of May, 6:30-7:30 pm. A team of at least six core team members of adults and confirmed high school students work together to provide an alternating schedule of large group one week, small groups the next and a social or service the following week.
Edge materials are very “user-friendly.” All grades study the same topics. Planning sessions allow core team members to break the sessions down into manageable segments for large group weeks with one or two catechists taking responsibility for a portion of the one-hour session. In subsequent small groups, catechists continue to reinforce the concepts introduced, plus address questions or topics students raise. A consistent format is used that integrates activities, prayers, proclamation, teaching, discussion. Edge also incorporates three various types of session catechetical, service and social. Core team members have consistently given positive feedback about the materials they use noting that they are provided solid teaching, ideas, flexibility, and resources. The response from young people who regularly participate in Edge has been good. The end-of-the-year activities that review the year demonstrate that “what is taught is caught.”
Edge also relies on the presence and behind-the-scenes support of parents during sessions. Parents who have done this have reported fun, educational, faith-filled experiences.
Confirmation Sessions
Confirmation classes are held monthly, 6:30-8 pm, September – May. Each session is led by a core team of dedicated Catechists. See calendar for schedule.
Life Teen Requirement
Life Teen sessions (September – April) are typically held on the first and third Wednesday of each month. We encourage youth to maintain consistent participation in this parish-based faith formation program throughout the school year.
Confirmation Retreat Requirement
Each candidate is required to attend a retreat during the C1 and C2 year.
Sponsor Requirement
Choosing a sponsor is a part of the Confirmation process that allows the youth to pick an adult they want to be a role model for them on this journey. This is a bond that will grow as they and their sponsor meet during the Confirmation process and even after the candidate is confirmed.
Service Projects
Parish or community service projects are required. Complete a service project and 1 project of choice each year.
Project of Choice – This project can be done at any time during the year. A candidate will need to do one project of choice during each C1 and C2 year – 2 total. The project can be anything that the candidate would like to do with the support of their sponsor. If the sponsor is unable to participate in a project, then another adult including parents can fill in to help. Sponsors will be provided faith guided questions to talk about with their candidates.
Candidates must write a 1-page reflection after completing each project of choice and parish or community project describing their experience. Include date of service, where, candidate and sponsor name, who and how your time benefited someone else, how did you and your sponsor decide on this project and what you learned about yourself working on this project.
Saint Project Requirement
C2 candidates must complete a paper on a chosen Saint.
Life Teen
Life Teen is a program offered to all parish high school students. Sessions are typically held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (September through May) from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Life Teen offers various interactive and thought-provoking ways to engage youth in what their faith means to them. It also provides age-appropriate activities and events that reinforce and foster a Catholic identity.