Father Raphael Assamah

Meet Fr. Raphael

I was born on July 4, 1976 in Ghana. My basic and tertiary education were in Ghana. After discerning the voice of God through retreats and spiritual directions, I entered St. Paul's Major Seminary in 1999 to study Philosophy, Sociology and Spirituality. In 2003, I studied theology and education at St. Peter's Regional Seminary in Pedu, Cape Coast, Ghana. After a successful pastoral year, three of us were ordained as Deacons on January 6, 2008 and later into the priesthood on August 23, 2008 for the Archdiocese of Accra.

My first assignment was at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. While there I oversaw the youth programs and was chaplain to some societies in the Archdiocese. There was a need for priests to assist in Jamaica, so the door was opened for volunteers, and I opted as fidei donum (the Gift of Faith) priest for the Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica.

While in Jamaica I worked at St. Pius X and St. Peter Claver Catholic Churches respectively. It wasn’t until later that I was asked to assist as a Priest in the Diocese of Des Moines where I served in Shenandoah and Hamburg as the Pastor of St. Mary’s Churches. I obtained my Master’s in Theology and Christian Ministry from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Recently, Bishop Joensen asked me to serve as the Pastor of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish in Des Moines and I arrived here on the 7th of July to assume my new duties. I enjoy walking, music, playing the guitar, reading, cooking, washing my own car and meeting people.


Lunch and Learn

Have some good recipes?  For Lunch and Learn on Thursday, May 2, we will be sharing cooking tips and favorite recipes. Join us in the Parish Hall from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Come with a potluck dish, some great recipes, and some special techniques or substitutes that we will be able to use. RSVP […]

Women’s Coffee

Join the women of the parish for Ladies Coffee on Saturday, May 3 in the East Meeting Room. 9 a.m. Rosary9:30-11 a.m. Fellowship/Discussion We will be discussing the Marion Garden, May Crowning, Thursday Evening Rosary Leaders Mark Your calendar for the following events:– Women’s Fellowship the first Saturday of each month. – Parish Rosary and Marion Garden Planting in front of […]

Vacation Bible School

Registration is open for entering K-5 grade children!  June 24-27, 8:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. at St. Theresa Church. Contact Jane Ann Becicka,jbecicka@stsdsm.com, with questions.